The Uchuu Collaboration is composed by Core Members (CM) and Collaborators (CO):

Collaboration Core Members
Bruno Altieri, ESAC, Spain (*)
Sofia Cora, Institute of Astrophysics of La Plata, Argentina (*)
Darren Croton, Swinburne University, Australia (*)
Sylvain de la Torre, LAM, France
Tomoaki Ishiyama, Chiba University, Japan (*,+)
Eric Jullo, LAM, France (*)
Anatoly Klypin, NMSU, USA (*)
Ben Metcalf, Bologna University, Italy
David Millan, IAA-CSIC, Spain
Francisco Prada, IAA-CSIC, Spain (*,+)
Manodeep Sinha, Swinburne University, Australia
Taira Oogi, Kavli IPMU / University of Tokyo, Japan
Cristian Vega-Martínez, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of La Serena, Chile

(*) members of the Collaboration Board (CB); (+) Chairs of the CB.

Angeles Moliné, IFT-UAM/CSIC, Spain; Miguel Sánchez-Conde, IFT-UAM/CSIC, Spain

Collaboration Core Members (CM): Core Members are leading the main activities of the Uchuu Project and devote a significant fraction of their time to the science, technical, management, funding, products, data releases and software developments of the Uchuu Project. The CB is integrated by a subset of Core Members. New CM can be appointed any time with the approval of the CB.
Collaborators (CO): Individual investigators who are brought in to the Uchuu Collaboration to work collaboratively with Core Members, with the approval of the CB, on a particular paper using non-public data and/or tools. They can lead and/or make specific contributions to a paper.

Contact Information: Tomoaki Ishiyama ( and Francisco Prada (