If you use this data please cite the paper by Knebe et al. (2017)
Public release of the MultiDark-Galaxies data set for three distinct galaxy catalogs derived from 1Gpc/h MultiDark Planck simulation (MDPL2) by applying the GALACTICUS (Benson 2012), SAG (Cora 2006) and SAGE (Croton et al. 2016) semi-analytical models to it. As complementary to we provide here tables for all three SAM models, corresponding to 40 redshift snapshots, with all galaxies above some moderate completeness stellar mass cut ( > 5e8 Msun/h).
We provide data tables for each SAM model that contain most relevant galaxy parameters as those listed in Table below (see Knebe et al. for details).

If you use this data please cite the paper by Knebe et al. (2017)
Public release of the MultiDark-Galaxies data set for three distinct galaxy catalogs derived from 1Gpc/h MultiDark Planck simulation (MDPL2) by applying the GALACTICUS (Benson 2012), SAG (Cora 2006) and SAGE (Croton et al. 2016) semi-analytical models to it. As complementary to we provide here tables for all three SAM models, corresponding to 40 redshift snapshots, with all galaxies above some moderate completeness stellar mass cut ( > 5e8 Msun/h).
We provide data tables for each SAM model that contain most relevant galaxy parameters as those listed in Table below (see Knebe et al. for details).