Cosmological Massive Neutrino Simulations by Liu et al. (2017)
Massive neutrino models and one massless model with three varying parameters. Code: Gadget-2. Particles =1024**3, Box =512Mpc/h. Products include snapshots, halo catalogs, merging trees, weak lensing converge maps.
The non-zero mass of neutrinos suppresses the growth of cosmic structure on small scales. Since the level of suppression depends on the sum of the masses of the three active neutrino species, the evolution of large-scale structure is a promising tool to constrain the total mass of neutrinos and possibly shed light on the mass hierarchy. These effects are simulated with a large suite of N-body simulations that include massive neutrinos using an analytic linear-response approximation: the Cosmological Massive Neutrino Simulations (MassiveNuS). The simulations include the effects of radiation on the background expansion, as well as the clustering of neutrinos in response to the nonlinear dark matter evolution.
Liu et al.(2017):
We release a large suite of cosmological massive neutrino simulations, “MassiveNuS”, including 100 massive neutrino models + 1 massless model. We correctly capture the background expansion as neutrinos turn from relativistic to non-relativistic, as well as the growth of neutrino clustering in response to the nonlinear matter growth. We include 3 varying parameters: the neutrino mass sum Mν (ranging from 0 to 0.6 eV), matter density Ωm, and primordial power spectrum amplitude As.
Our simulations have continuous outputs of snapshots between z = 45 and z = 0 (every 126 comoving Mpc/h). Our data products include:

Massive neutrino models and one massless model with three varying parameters. Code: Gadget-2. Particles =1024**3, Box =512Mpc/h. Products include snapshots, halo catalogs, merging trees, weak lensing converge maps.
The non-zero mass of neutrinos suppresses the growth of cosmic structure on small scales. Since the level of suppression depends on the sum of the masses of the three active neutrino species, the evolution of large-scale structure is a promising tool to constrain the total mass of neutrinos and possibly shed light on the mass hierarchy. These effects are simulated with a large suite of N-body simulations that include massive neutrinos using an analytic linear-response approximation: the Cosmological Massive Neutrino Simulations (MassiveNuS). The simulations include the effects of radiation on the background expansion, as well as the clustering of neutrinos in response to the nonlinear dark matter evolution.
Liu et al.(2017):
We release a large suite of cosmological massive neutrino simulations, “MassiveNuS”, including 100 massive neutrino models + 1 massless model. We correctly capture the background expansion as neutrinos turn from relativistic to non-relativistic, as well as the growth of neutrino clustering in response to the nonlinear matter growth. We include 3 varying parameters: the neutrino mass sum Mν (ranging from 0 to 0.6 eV), matter density Ωm, and primordial power spectrum amplitude As.
Our simulations have continuous outputs of snapshots between z = 45 and z = 0 (every 126 comoving Mpc/h). Our data products include: